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11 January 2010

DAY 1 - A Week In The Life Of Eliza

Hi to all earthlings, as PMS|Asterisk* promised to bring you guys a year 2010 filled with surprises and excitement, we're ecstatic to bring you A Week In The Life Of... It is a blog special which people get to check out what life is like for each one of us! I'm feeling all hyped up and lively to be the 1st member of PMS|Asterisk to kick start this! OK now, since i have the whole week to myself to share my exciting life with all of you, today, i shall officially introduce myself to the gaming society and a petite glimpse of my life!

My full name as on identification card is Ong Jie Zhi, Eliza. I'm Chinese and I resides in the ever tiny but powerful sunny island, Singapore! I got this unique name from my father. Apparently he named me after a local hospital. Yea yea, it's kinda weird why a father would name his child by a hospital. Guess he ran out of names probably because i have 4 other siblings. Since my name is not often seen in Singapore, here's a link to how my name is being pronounced the correct way-Eliza. Other wise, in the gaming community, I'm known more by my gaming nick, MsJovial*

I'm born in the year and date of 1990, June 27th, thus, that makes me a human for 19 years. I started playing online games since secondary school days. Flash games like Neopets and Runescape, other games such as The Sims, Bullfrog's epic game, Theme Hospital, not forgetting Harvest Moon and Pokemon! Until one of my school mate introduced me to a popular mmorpg game-MapleStory. However, DotA started to be very popular in school and seeing all the boys in my class raved about how exciting this game is, i finally joined them in their daily "routine" of dotaing in year 2007. Then, i was their only female member in the "team", we don't play competitively but we do compete with teams in the lan shop that we always patronise in our neighbourhood.

This is Fynn, she is my loud and vivacious colleague. She's also my bff! We usually goes around Singapore after work to search for good food and we like to sing, a lot! =)

A screen shot of my maple character. I think this was taken about 3-4 years ago? Participated in their Christmas best screen shot competition. Didn't win though, guess i
was too lame.

This is my family's pet Deer Head Chihuahua. He's one years old and his name is Odee.
Handsome, naughty but very clever.

He know tonnes of tricks, he does them only when his favourite spinach stick is at stake.
He loves swimming at Sentosa. We had him during last year's Christmas day. We adopted
him from my eldest sister's colleague.

I was told by my team mates then that there's 2 female competitive dota teams in Singapore and they did encouraged me to join, thus, that's how i contacted their manager then, and who is now currently my boyfriend! Haha! I went down to their usual training lan shop for a trial and soon after, we started our first online competition.

How cool right! I like doing things which normally the majority of girls wouldn't do like how i played soccer in school. While most of the girls went on crazy shopping trips and visitations of night clubs, I'm battling with other heroes online.

At GameHaven's competition, Cyber Gaming Festival in 2009. Tammy/Furryfish, Kim/Kimchi, Dawn/Pinksheep, Meihsiang/Hime.

I love taking photos with my panasonic lumix 3. Lulu takes good pictures and is light and cool looking. I love cats, meow~oww~

Furrybird. (inside joke)

This is my darling Zilchy!

We love Dim Sum! I especially love eating the prawn dumplings!

GSG.Jos's classic look. Still ever epic. LOL! Around him were Tammy and Ice.

Online training!

OK, I'm done for today! I'll blog again tomorrow! MANY LOVES!

With love from me to you, Eliza/PMS|MsJovial*


  1. i love you eliza :D.. please accept me in FB.. i've add you as a friend many times .. but i guess u didnt want :(.

    fan of urs :D.. richie..

  2. i'd 3 hit you in runescape np and neopets I bet you are one of those small kids that i scammed my neopoints from

  3. i don't play them anymore. But anyway, just to let you know that, there's no prize for you. And thank you for your comment of me being a kid. I always want to stay there and be a kid forever.

  4. msjovial :)))))))))))))))))))
